C-Hill Flag Foundation

The C-Hill Flag Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the iconic American flag on the face of C-Hill in Carson City, NV. Through community-driven efforts, the foundation seeks to honor the flag as a symbol of national pride and local heritage.

We need your help

The C-Hill Flag has stood proudly above Carson City for over 20 years, withstanding the ravages of time, weather, and many visitors. However, we once again need to rally volunteers and financial contributions to repair and rebuild our American Flag on C-Hill.As the C-Hill Foundation Board works through permitting requirements with the City, plans for reconstruction are developing. There are opportunities for members of the community to support this project with their donations or services. Please sign up below to stay informed of the project, to volunteer your services or supplies, or to donate.Information will be posted to this website as the project moves forward. Please visit often, and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.

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The C-Hill Flag Foundation began the third week of September 2001, soon after the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Many local businesses donated nearly $10,000 in construction materials, supplies and food for more than 200 volunteers.The work was completed and our flag was dedicated on October 21, 2001. A ceremony was held on the hill at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains high above Carson City.

On December 14, 2002, Mother Nature struck our flag with a winter storm and winds up to 100 mph, tearing several sections of the flag apart and causing damage to the support frame. By 5:00 p.m., our flag was destroyed.Our flag was re-built in 2003, and since then, has stood as a symbol of Carson City's patriotism, ability to weather any storm, and a reminder that when we come together, there is nothing our community cannot achieve.Today, the C-Hill Flag can be seen throughout Eagle Valley and by passing airplanes.

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